What is Garment Washing?
We have two words here – “Garment” and “Washing”. The clothes or dresses we wear are technically called garments. Then does that mean garment washing is the same as we wash our used clothes?
Not Exactly.
Garment Washing is a unique technology that modifies the look, appearance, size, comfort, design, or sometimes even the entire fashion is altered.
As we all know, In this modern world trendy fashions keep updating for seconds. And thus, Garment Washing became a major demand among people.
Ever had this question in your mind? Why Garment Washing demand is so high?
Well, let’s find the answer to this together.

What Exactly Does A Garment Washing Do?
- Develops Softness in garments.
- Brings a unique appearance.
- Satisfies customer demands and evolutionary trends.
- The finishing of the Garment Washing technique gives a special outlook.
- Introduces fashionable effects like vintage effect, wrinkle formation, fading effect, etc.
- Builds a new fashion.
- Increases comfortability to wear.
To satisfy the above objectives, we have two types of Garment Washing;
- Wet process/Chemical process (Chemicals are used to bring effects)
- Dry process/Mechanical process
Getting more interesting right! Then let’s see how this garment washing is exactly performed.
How is Garment Washing Done?
At first, the garments are collected from the sewing department once they are completely stitched. Here, the garments appear with bright colors, as they come fresh from the dyeing process. Also, the garment material sense to be thick and hard. These primary garments under go various process to form into a fashionable outfit with different styles.
What are the styles that we can include?
Living in this modern civilized world, we don’t prefer to wear normal garments with no designs or decorations. So to resolve this, garment washing uses more simple techniques that are easily performed to bring new fashions into the generation.
Want to know those simple fashions? Yes, then let’s list them down.

New Look To Your Simple Garments!
Know how those simple fashions bring explicit outlooks
- Removes sizing materials.
- Adds fading / tinted effects (Depends on the detergent used, processing time, and processing temperature)
- Increases brightness
- Increases smoothness
- Brings old worn fashionable outlooks
- Hardness converted to softness, gives extreme comfortability.
A simple cloth has to undergo so much pressure to form into a beauty! Do you know what could be the biggest advantage of this garment washing?
It completely removes dust, dirt, rust, oil stains, etc.
No, Wait! Now, it’s bit confusing.
Is this a washing technique or just cleaning stuff?
Since they undergo a lot of washing procedures, to be precise we can say that as a cleaning process too.
Advantages of Garment Washing:
- Removal of starch – Makes the garments feel soft.
- Size the materials – Extra garments are removed.
- Removal of impurities – Readily wearable after purchase.
- Forms shrinkage – No size or fitting problems.
- Different stylish and faded effects – Brings a modern look.
- Low capital investment – One Garment Washing machine can be used for various purposes.
Residing in a huge populated country, it is normal that we wouldn’t prefer to see twins or triplets walking beside us.
That is wearing the same type of dress with the same design and fashion.
Garment Washing is a 50-year-old technique that sorts out this problem through innovative fashions and designs.
What would you prefer to wear?
A plain fashion-less dress or garments that capture your breath!